




    After months of searching, I finally caught up with the Isaac Hayes blaxploitation hit Truck Turner. It's just not fair! This great action movie, Hayes' only lead role ever, is amazingly hard to find! I paid $15 to buy it at a Best Buy store, and I really got my money's worth. While I expected something along the lines of Shaft (and I wasn't disappointed there), I noticed a lot of similarities between this movie, made in 1974, and recent releases like L.A. Confidential and Jackie Brown! The plot: Hayes plays Mack "Truck" Turner, a former football star who was forced to retire due to an injury. Now he works as a bounty hunter with his partner Jerry (Alan Weeks is great!) When he kills his most recent target, a pimp named Gator, he's in trouble with Mack Daddy Harvard Blue and his vicious hoes, as well as a one-eyed assassin and a lot of other unpleasant characters! Isaac Hayes proves that he can act almost as good as he can sing! Nichelle Nicols of "Star Trek" gives the second-best performance in the movie as a hoe, Scatman Crothers is slick as Duke, the only pimp who backs Truck, and Annazette Chase is surprisingly good as Truck's lady! This[ZiYuantun.Com] one is a real classic. If you like Isaac Hayes, or "blaxploitation", and you find this movie somewhere, no matter how much it costs, buy it. It's worth it. **** out of ****   译文(2): 经过几个月的搜索,我终于找到了 Isaac Hayes 的黑客袭击 Truck Turne{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这不公平!这部伟大的动作片,海耶斯唯一的主角,是惊人的难以找到!我花了15美元在百思买商店买的,我真的物有所值。虽然我期待着类似《轴》的东西(我并没有因此而失望) ,但我注意到这部1974年的电影与最近上映的《洛城机密》和《杰基 · 布朗》之间有很多相似之处!情节: 海耶斯扮演麦克“卡车”特纳,前足球明星谁被迫退休,由于受伤。现在他和他的搭档 Jerry 一起做赏金猎人(Alan Weeks 很棒!)当他杀死他最近的目标,一个皮条客名为盖特,他的麻烦与麦克爸爸哈佛蓝和他的邪恶的妓女,以及一个独眼杀手和其他许多令人不快的字符!艾萨克 · 海耶斯证明了他的表演几乎和他的歌声一样好!《星际迷航》中的尼歇尔?尼科尔斯(Nichelle Nicols)扮演的妓女在电影中的表现排名第二,史卡特曼·克洛瑟斯扮演的是唯一支持《云梯车》的皮条客杜克(Duke) ,而安娜泽特?蔡斯(Annazette Chase)扮演《云梯车》中的女主角的表现出人意料地好!这是一个真正的经典。如果你喜欢 Isaac Hayes 或者“黑色剥削”你在某个地方找到了这部电影不管花多少钱,买下它。这是值得的。我们不会让他们得逞的

