
主演:杰克·霍金斯 黛安妮·佛斯特 安娜·李 


类型: 剧情 动作 犯罪 电影 英国 1958

豆瓣ID:1297960 豆瓣评分:6.8

IMDb链接: tt0051655 IMDb评分:6.6

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:玉女怀春WEB-1080P下载 玉女怀春免费下载 玉女怀春 

时长:91 分钟

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Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of a payroll robbery and, then, helps break up a bank robbery. His long day ends when he arrives at home and finds that his daughter has a date with the policeman who gave him 【ZiYuanTun.Com】a ticket that morning. Written by Les Adams   译文(2): 苏格兰场督察乔治 · 吉迪恩收到了一位年轻警官开的违反交通规则的罚单,这让他的一天开始得不太顺{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。从那以后,他的“典型一天”就是知道他最信任的警探之一收受贿赂; 追捕一个谋杀了一个女孩的逃犯; 追踪一个涉嫌抢劫工资单的年轻女孩,然后帮助破获一起银行抢劫案。当他回到家,发现女儿和那天早上给他开罚单的警察约会时,漫长的一天结束了。作者: Les Adams

