In t{Ziyuantun.Com}his supernatural horror film, Carrie Baldwin is freed from prison under the conditions of a work-release program in Reaptown, Nevada. As she struggles to find her missing sister while working the night shift as a security guard for the Reaptown Railway Museum, Carrie soon finds herself in the presence of evil. Could the Railway hold the clues to her sister's mysterious disappearance? 译文(3): 在这部超自然恐怖电影中,卡丽·鲍德温在内华达州Reaptown的一个工作释放计划的条件下从监狱获{资源屯}。当她在收割城铁路博物馆担任保安的夜班工作时,努力寻找失踪的妹妹时,Carrie很快发现自己陷入了邪恶的境地。铁路公司能掌握她姐姐神秘失踪的线索吗?