Two[ZiYuantun.Com] little curious bees, Sunny and Petal are about to have the best time of our lives. Sharing stories is a great past time, but sharing stories about God is greater than anything. Join in on the fun, as they hear awesome story after awesome story about their Holy creator above. You know bumblebees, and you know get ready to meet the Bible Bees.@ 译文(3): 两只好奇的小蜜蜂Sunny和Petal即将度过我们一生中最美好的时{资源屯}。分享故事是一个伟大的过去,但分享关于上帝的故事比任何事情都重要。加入这一乐趣,因为他们听到了一个又一个关于他们的神圣创造者的可怕故事。你知道大黄蜂,你知道蜜蜂。。。现在准备好迎接圣经蜜蜂@