




    Profiteer Alexander Stiles lays claim to a million acres of range in the Pecos River country, but a rancher named Claybor stands in his way as he has already claimed the water-rich location of Sweetwater as his own, and refuses Stiles' $1000 offer for his land. Led by the murderous Ash, the hired guns of Stiles kill Clayborn and his wife but their young son John survives and joins his grandfather in Austin. As the boy grows into a man he learns the use of a law book as well as a six gun, intending to use 【ZiYuanTun.Com】both to bring Stiles to justice. As lawyer John Clay, he travels to the Cottonwood headquarters of Stiles, self-proclaimed King of the Pecos, and meets Hank Matthews and Josh Billings, two cattlemen thrown into poverty through the crooked dealings of Stiles. John serves a summons for Stiles to appear in court but the circuit judge is too frightened to face the might of Stiles. John sends Hank to round up other impoverished cattlemen, and they provide the judge with an armed escort to ...   译文(2): 奸商亚历山大 · 斯泰尔斯声称在 Pecos River 拥有一百万英亩的土地,但是一个名叫克莱伯的牧场主挡住了他的去路,因为他已经声称斯威特沃特水资源丰富的地方是他的,并且拒绝了斯泰尔斯1000美元的出{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在凶残的阿什的带领下斯泰尔斯雇佣的枪手杀死了克莱伯恩和他的妻子但他们的小儿子约翰活了下来并和他的祖父一起去了奥斯汀。随着男孩长大成人,他学会了如何使用一本法律书和一把六发手枪,打算用这两样东西将斯泰尔斯绳之以法。作为律师,他前往自称“佩科斯河之王”的斯泰尔斯在卡顿伍德的总部,会见了汉克?马修斯(Hank Matthews)和乔希?比林斯(Josh Billings) ,这两个牧场主因为斯泰尔斯的不正当交易而陷入贫困。约翰传唤斯泰尔斯出庭但巡回法官太害怕不敢面对斯泰尔斯的强势。约翰派汉克去围捕其他贫困的牧场主他们为法官提供武装护送..。


