Since【ZiYuanTun.Com】 his birth, 30 years ago, John Soames is in a coma. Now he's operated and brought to life in a neurologic clinic. A tense plan shall make him develop from a 30 years old baby to a man, but there's no time for the love and care a normal baby would receive. He manages to flee... 译文(2): 自从30年前约翰 · 索姆斯出生以来,他一直处于昏迷状{资源屯}。现在他在神经科门诊做了手术。一个紧张的计划会使他从一个30岁的婴儿发展成为一个男人,但是没有时间给予一个正常的婴儿应有的关爱和照顾。他设法逃跑了。