
主演:爱德华·宾斯 John 劳伦·白考尔 凡·赫夫林 埃弗雷特·斯隆 比阿特丽斯·斯特雷特 安德鲁·杜甘 乔安娜·鲁斯 Sa 


类型: 剧情 电影 美国 1956

豆瓣ID:4002479 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0049601 IMDb评分:7.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:叛碟1080P蓝光下载 叛碟免费下载 叛碟 

时长:USA: 83 分钟

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Most of the scenes are set in the corporate boardroom and surrounding offices of Ramsey & Co., a Manhattan industrial empire headed by the ruthless Walter Ramsey. He recruits youthful industrial engineer Fred Staples, grooming him to replace the aging Bill Briggs as the second in command at the company. Though Ramsey will not fire Briggs outright, he does everything in his power to sabotage and humiliate his subordinate into resigning, but the old man stubbornly refuses to give in. Staples has mixed feelings about the messy situation, ambition conflicting with sympathy for Briggs.   In the end, the stress gets to Briggs. He collapses and later dies in the hospital. This causes a heated showdown between Ramsey and Staples. In the end, Staples decides to take the job, promising never to back down from his boss, who is delighted.   译文(3): 大多数场景设置在Ramsey&;公司,一个由冷酷无情的沃尔特·拉姆齐领导的曼哈顿工业帝{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他招募了年轻的工业工程师弗雷德·史泰普斯(Fred Staples),培养他接替年迈的比尔·布里格斯(Bill Briggs)成为该公司的二号指挥官。尽管拉姆齐不会直接解雇布{Ziyuantun.Com}里格斯,但他尽其所能破坏和羞辱下属,迫使其辞职,但这位老人顽固地拒绝让步。斯台普斯对这一混乱局面有着复杂的感受,野心与对布里格斯的同情相冲突。

