




    Young and inexperienced Sister Ann has just arrived at her next posting at Samaritan House, a Dominican order located in a disreputable neighborhood of Ghent, Belgium. Sister Ann is enthusiastic, progressive but naive, all which irks one of the senior sisters, Sister Cluny, especially the fact that Sister Ann has a prized material possession, a guitar she's named Adele. Sister Ann considers Adele and her music to be her friends. Contrary to Sister Cluny, the Mother Prioress believes Sister Ann will be a welcome addition to their order. This posting is to be the training ground for Sister Ann and others to become missionaries in Africa. Sister Ann's path takes a detour when the order's Father Clementi hears Sister Ann sing. He believes Sister Ann should record her music and as a favor asks Robert Gerarde of Primavera Records for recording time. Unknown at the time the request is made, Robe[ZiYuantun.Com]rt and Sister Ann are old friends who attended the Paris Conservatory of Music together five years...   译文(2): 年轻而缺乏经验的安修女刚刚抵达撒马利亚人之家的下一个岗{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。撒马利亚人之家是多米尼加的一个教派,位于比利时根特一个声名狼藉的社区。克吕尼修女热情进取却又天真这些都惹恼了其中一位高年级修女尤其是安修女有一件珍贵的物质财产一把吉他她取名为阿黛尔。安修女认为阿黛尔和她的音乐是她的朋友。与克鲁尼修女相反,院长认为安修女会是他们的新成员。这个职位将成为安姐妹和其他人在非洲成为传教士的训练基地。安姐姐的道路采取了迂回时,秩序的父亲克莱门蒂听到安姐姐唱歌。他认为安修女应该录制她的音乐,并请春华唱片公司的罗伯特 · 杰拉德帮忙录制时间。不知何时提出的要求,罗伯特和姐姐安是老朋友谁参加了巴黎音乐学院一起五年..。

