
主演:Guillaume 埃里克·布吕诺 劳伦斯·勒波芙 Vincent Monique 安德鲁·舍夫 Julie 


类型: 爱情 电影 加拿大 2009

豆瓣ID:4842193 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt1355217 IMDb评分:5.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:足踏虚空1080P蓝光下载 足踏虚空免费下载 足踏虚空 


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Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping for thrills as well as jumping to escape what haunts them. Rafael, 20, dreams of becoming a pilot; Manu, 19, must care for her mother who suffers from cancer and Charles, 30, owns the skydiving center. In his way, he tries to maintain order and prevent his friends break-neck injury, while focusing more and more on Manu with whom he develops a romantic relationship. A newcomer, Ludovic, shy young stranger in search of his true identity , will join the group. Quickly, several tests will disrupt the eventful lives of everyone, shaking the foundation of solid trio's frien【ZiYuanTun.Com】dship.   译文(2): 一年夏天,三个朋友在一个跳伞中心相{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它们喜欢冒险,大部分时间都是在跳跃中寻找刺激,同时也是在跳跃中逃避困扰它们的东西。20岁的拉斐尔梦想成为一名飞行员; 19岁的马努必须照顾患有癌症的母亲; 30岁的查尔斯拥有这家跳伞中心。在他的方式,他试图维持秩序,防止他的朋友打破脖子的伤害,同时越来越重视马努,他发展了浪漫的关系。一个新来的,卢多维奇,害羞的年轻陌生人在寻找他的真实身份,将加入组。很快,几个测试将打乱每个人多事的生活,动摇坚实的三人友谊的基础。

