


类型: 电影 意大利 1966

豆瓣ID:暂无 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0062347 IMDb评分:0.0

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:职业杀人王1080P蓝光下载 职业杀人王免费下载 职业杀人王 


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Mondo pioneer Franco Prosperi proved himself a more than capable director of narrative cinema with this intriguing suspense feature. Robert Webber stars as Clint Harris, a morose, high-paid New York hit-man sent on assignment to Paris to locate and eliminate the mysterious Frank Secchy, who's making a move on Manhattan's criminal underworld and was also responsible for the murder of Clint's brother. Compelled by his boss (Cec Linder, the original Felix Leiter from Goldfinger) to take along deadwei[ZiYuantun.Com]ght sidekick Tony Lo Bello (a very young looking Franco Nero), Clint runs into trouble with a heroin-addicted woman who holds the key to Secchy's whereabouts. There's lots of shooting, some great Big Apple location footage for the first couple of reels, a fine score by Robby Poiteven, a twist ending, and even a night club scene where Take A Heart, the great freakbeat anthem by The Sorrows, plays out in its entirety. The film is decent in a washed-out, pan and scan print, so I imagine it would look great on disc. Here's hoping.   译文(2): 《蒙多》的先驱弗兰科 · 普罗斯佩里凭借这部引人入胜的悬疑电影证明了自己是一位非常有能力的叙事电影导{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。罗伯特 · 韦伯饰演克林特 · 哈里斯,一个闷闷不乐的高薪纽约杀手,被派往巴黎寻找并消灭神秘的弗兰克 · 塞奇,他正在对曼哈顿的黑社会犯罪集团采取行动,同时也是谋杀克林特兄弟的凶手。克林特被他的老板(《金手指》中菲利克斯 · 莱特的原型,塞克 · 林德)强迫带上无助的助手托尼 · 洛 · 贝洛(一个看起来非常年轻的弗兰科 · 尼禄) ,他遇到了一个海洛因成瘾的女人,她掌握了塞奇下落的关键。有很多镜头,一些伟大的大苹果定位镜头的前几卷胶片,一个良好的配乐由罗比 Poiteven,一个扭曲的结局,甚至一个夜总会的场景,采取一个心,伟大的怪诞的国歌悲伤,发挥了它的全部。这部电影是体面的冲洗,平底锅和扫描打印,所以我想它会看起来很棒的光盘。希望如此。

