If 【ZiYuanTun.Com】you're not familiar with French movies, this is an excellent one with which to start. The minor roles played by individuals such as Charlotte Gainsbourg (as herself, and seen recently in 'My Wife Is An Actress' directed by her husband, playing in English opposite Terence Stamp) is just one of many exemplary, comic performances in this droll, and very original comedy. 译文(2): 如果你不熟悉法国电影,这是一个很好的开{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。小角色由夏洛特·甘斯柏格(就像她自己一样,最近在她丈夫导演的《我的妻子是一个女演员》中出现,在英国与特伦斯 · 斯坦普演对手戏)扮演,这只是这部滑稽喜剧中众多模范、喜剧表演中的一个,也是非常原创的喜剧。