In 1876, Duncan MacDonald joins the new, 300-member Mounted Police in western Canada, just in time for a dang【ZiYuanTun.Com】erous mission. It seems the Cree Indians, raiding across the border in Montana, took two hostages for their safe return to Canada. But MacDonald, with only scout Natayo to help, will need all his diplomacy and then some to extract the captives from the midst of a thousand Cree. 译文(2): 1876年,邓肯麦克唐纳加入了新的,300人骑警在加拿大西部,正好赶上一个危险的任{资源屯}。看起来克里印第安人突袭了蒙大拿州的边境,劫持了两名人质安全返回加拿大。但是,麦克唐纳,只有侦察纳塔约的帮助,将需要他所有的外交,然后一些从一千克里人中解救俘虏。