
主演:罗伯特·米彻姆 夏洛特·兰普林 约翰·爱尔兰 西尔维娅·迈尔斯 安东尼·泽比 哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 杰克·奥哈罗兰 乔·斯 


类型: 悬疑 惊悚 犯罪 电影 美国 1975

豆瓣ID:1293488 豆瓣评分:7.1

IMDb链接: tt0072973 IMDb评分:7.0

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:再见吾爱1080P蓝光下载 再见吾爱免费下载 再见吾爱 

时长:95 分钟

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This, the second adaptation of Raymond Chandler's novel, is much closer to the source text than the original - Murder, My Sweet (1944), which tended to avoid some of the sleazier parts of the plot - but still concerns private eye Philip Marlowe's attempts to locate Velma, a former dancer at a seedy nightc{Ziyuantun.Com}lub and the girlfriend of Moose Malloy, a petty criminal just out of prison. Marlowe finds that once he has taken the case, events conspire to put him in dangerous situations, and he is forced to follow a confusing trail of untruths and double-crosses before he is able to locate Velma.   译文(2): 这是雷蒙德·钱德勒小说的第二次改编,比原著《谋杀,我的甜心》(Murder,My Sweet,1944)更接近原著,该书试图避开情节中一些低级的部分,但仍涉及私家侦探菲利普 · 马洛(Philip Marlowe)试图找到维尔马(Velma)的下{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。维尔马曾是一家破烂夜总会的舞蹈演员,也是刚出狱的小罪犯穆斯 · 马洛伊(Moose Malloy)的女友。马洛发现,一旦他接了这个案子,各种事件密谋使他处于危险的境地,他被迫跟随一连串令人困惑的谎言和欺骗,才能找到维尔马。

