Based on real-life events, Girl In the Closet tells the story of 10 year old Cameron, who, after her mother suffered an aneurysm, was adopted by her Aunt Mia, who already had a husband and daughter of her own. Soon after arriving in her new home, Cameron started hearing strange, ghostly voices at night coming from the basement's locked door. Little Cameron would soon discover what was actually behind that door, people chained to the wall, innocent victims of her Aunt's schemes to enrich herself by cashing their benefit checks. It wasn't long before Cameron was demoted down into the basement herself, where she would stay for the next ten years while police thought she was missing. 译文(2): 基于现实生活中的事件,《衣橱里的女孩》讲述了10岁的卡梅隆的故{资源屯}。卡梅隆的母【ZiYuanTun.Com】亲患上动脉瘤后,她被米娅阿姨收养,米娅阿姨已经有了自己的丈夫和女儿。卡梅伦到达她的新家后不久,就开始在晚上听到奇怪的幽灵般的声音从地下室锁着的门里传出来。小卡梅伦很快就会发现那扇门后面到底是什么,人们被锁在墙上,无辜的受害者是她姑姑通过兑现他们的福利支票来充实自己的计划的受害者。没过多久,卡梅伦自己也被降职到了地下室,在警方认为她失踪期间,她将在那里度过接下来的十年。