Kaufman's Game follows Stanley, a driven young man with a passion for boxing, who is keen to improve his strength and stamina. When a shady stranger approaches him outside the gym with the offer of a specially produced steroid, Stanley is drawn into the ever more violent operations of a powerful organization, unwittingly entering into a series of tests designed to prove his mettle. This is a film about power, determination and being your own worst enemy. It celebrates the archetypes of classic Film Noir, and the dark, conspiratorial 【ZiYuanTun.Com】storytelling technique of Franz Kafka, but with a contemporary minimalist aesthetic. 译文(2): 考夫曼的游戏跟随斯坦利,一个对拳击充满激情的年轻人,谁是热衷于提高他的力量和耐{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当一个可疑的陌生人在体育馆外向他提供一种特制的类固醇时,斯坦利被卷入了一个强大组织越来越暴力的行动中,不知不觉地进行了一系列旨在证明他勇气的测试。这是一部关于权力,决心和成为自己最大的敌人的电影。它颂扬了经典黑色电影的原型,以及弗朗茨 · 卡夫卡黑暗、阴谋的叙事技巧,但却带有当代极简主义的审美观。