A senior commissioner, head of the Crime Suppression Brigade, is arrested and detained by the police for four days after 25 years of impeccable professional careers. He is then put under investigation and placed under strict judicial control for criminal conspiracy, drug trafficking, theft and seizure by the investigating j{Ziyuantun.Com}udge in charge of the case. 译文(3): 在25年无可挑剔的职业生涯之后,一名高级专员,即犯罪抑制旅的负责人,被警方逮捕并拘留了四{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。随后,负责此案的调查法官对他进行调查,并对他进行严格的司法控制,罪名是共谋犯罪、贩毒、盗窃和扣押。