Enzo G. Castellari's Street Law aka Il Cittadino si Ribella is surprisingly entertaining and not quite the Death Wish clone the marketing promises, largely because Franco Nero's would-be vigilante is so hapless that he spends much of the film getting beaten up by the crooks he's trying to track down after being humiliated in a bank robbery. He's also a far from admirable figure who constantly breaks his word no matter how many times he gives it and frequently behaves like an out and out coward completely out of his depth. It's a long way from a great film, but it's s【ZiYuanTun.Com】hot with some style and imagination and an interesting use of derelict or decaying locations, among them a ship in dry dock – the ill-fated Achille Lauro, no les{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}!