The film is set in a house occupied by a collection of social misfits.【ZiYuanTun.Com】 The main storyline is that of a strange musician's relationship with a girl, their drug use and his band. These events are surrounded by a chaotic myriad of sub-plots. A homicidal chainsaw maniac's lust for his machine and a T.V station's offer of money in return for a piece of the Skylab satellite that has fallen to earth are just two. The film is composed of small fragments in the lives of its inhabitants, each following onto the next, sometimes overlapping and ending in tragedy. 译文(3): 这部电影的背景是一座被一群社会格格不入的人占据的房{资源屯}。主要的故事情节是一个陌生的音乐家与一个女孩的关系,他们的吸毒和他的乐队。这些事件被无数混乱的子情节所包围。一个杀人的电锯狂人对他的机器的欲望和一个电视台为换取一颗坠落地球的Skylab卫星而提供的金钱只是两件事。这部电影是由居民生活中的小片段组成的,每一个片段都接着下一个片段,有时重叠并以悲剧结尾。