
主演:Gabrielle Kaity 纳肖恩·基尔塞 亚当·弗莱明 Todd Sheila 玛丽·凯瑟琳·莱特 Steven 


类型: 喜剧 音乐 电影 美国 2003

豆瓣ID:1420002 豆瓣评分:5.5

IMDb链接: tt0266747 IMDb评分:2.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:唱片傻大姐WEB-1080P下载 唱片傻大姐免费下载 唱片傻大姐 

时长:USA: 84 分钟

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Marci, a spoiled Jewish American Princess, is forced to take control of her father[ZiYuantun.Com]'s hard-core rap label, Felony Assault, when her mogul dad, Ben Feld, has a stress-induced heart attack due to the controversy surrounding the label's hip-hop song Shoot Ya' Teacha by Dr. Snatchcatcher. To rescue her father's plummeting stock, Marci attempts to tone down the rapper's bad-boy edge. Over time, the unlikely pair fall in love just as a conservative senator vows to banish the rapper and his offensive lyrics from the airwaves forever.   译文(2): 玛茜,一个被宠坏的美国犹太公主,被迫接管她父亲的核心说唱唱片公司,重罪攻击,当她的大亨父亲,本费尔德,由于围绕该公司的嘻哈歌曲射击雅’教师博士的争议压力诱发心脏病发{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。为了挽救她父亲暴跌的股票,玛茜试图缓和这位说唱歌手的坏男孩风格。随着时间的推移,这对不太可能的恋人坠入爱河,就像一位保守派参议员发誓永远将这位说唱歌手和他的攻击性歌词从电视广播中驱逐出去一样。

