Veronica, a model who enjoys huge popularity on social media and is married to an international football star, sees her world tumble down around her when she learns that she's the prime suspect in an investigation into the murder of her first daughter, killed 10 years ago. Amid the pressure of the investigation, her marriage is on the verge of breakdown and she begins to feel jealou[ZiYuantun.Com]s of Amanda, her newborn daughter. 译文(2): 维罗妮卡是一名模特,在社交媒体上很受欢迎,并且嫁给了一名国际足球明{资源屯}。当她得知自己是10年前被杀害的第一个女儿谋杀案的主要嫌疑人时,她的世界在她周围摇摇欲坠。在调查的压力下,她的婚姻濒临破裂,她开始嫉妒刚出生的女儿阿曼达。