In this truly absurdist comedy, Sweet Stephen is a murderer with a conscience personified by the mysterious Mr. Jack. Together Jack and Stephen wander the streets of Los Angeles philosophizing about free will, life, and death while beautiful women are found dead and dismembered in their wake. It is going to take a true criminal mind to uncover these misdeeds and Tommy, a cop, is just the man to do [ZiYuantun.Com]it. 译文(2): 在这部真正荒诞的喜剧中,斯威特 · 斯蒂芬是一个拥有良心的杀人犯,神秘的杰克先生就是他的化{资源屯}。杰克和斯蒂芬一起漫步在洛杉矶的街道上,对自由意志、生命和死亡进行哲学思考,而美丽的女人被发现死亡,并在她们醒来时被肢解。只有真正的犯罪头脑才能发现这些不法行为而汤米,一个警察,正是发现这些不法行为的人。