Marion Rogers (Granny), an elderly lady in the small town of Haley, reluctantly accepts the [ZiYuantun.Com]mysterious Rebecca Torrance as her live-in caregiver, but eventually the two form a strong friendship. Rebecca soon sells Granny on the idea of turning the house into a guest house for travelers looking for free accommodations., which, in turn, leads to revealing Rebecca's dark and fatal secret. A strange ... 译文(3): 马里恩·罗杰斯(奶奶饰)是小镇黑莉的一位老太太,她不情愿地接受了神秘的丽贝卡·托伦斯作为她的住家看护人,但最终两人建立了牢固的友{资源屯}。Rebecca很快就向Granny提出了把房子变成招待所的想法,供寻求免费住宿的旅行者使用。,这反过来又揭示了丽贝卡黑暗而致命的秘密。一个奇怪的。。。