
主演:埃琳诺·帕克 亚历克西斯·史密斯 安妮塔·夏浦-博尔斯特 John 克莱顿·黑尔 克劳福德·肯特 Edgar 弗莱德里克 


类型: 剧情 爱情 悬疑 惊悚 电影 美国 1948

豆瓣ID:5066825 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0040974 IMDb评分:6.6

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:白衣女子HDTV下载 白衣女子免费下载 白衣女子 

时长:109 分钟

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A young painter stumbles upon an assortment of odd characters at an English estate whe{Ziyuantun.Com}re he has been hired to give art lessons to beautiful Laura Fairlie. Among them are Anne Catherick, a strange young woman dressed in white whom he meets in the forest and who bears a striking resemblance to Laura; cunning Count Fosco, who hopes to obtain an inheritance for nobleman Sir Percival Glyde, whom he plans to have Laura marry; Mr. Fairlie, a hypochondriac who can't stand to have anyone make the slightest noise; and eccentric Countess Fosco who has her own dark secret. The artist also finds himself drawn to Marion Halcomb, a distant relation to Laura whom the Count also has plans for.   译文(2): 一个年轻的画家在英国的一个庄园里偶然发现了各种各样奇怪的人物,他在那里受雇给美丽的劳拉 · 费尔利上艺术{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。其中包括安妮 · 凯瑟里克,一个奇怪的年轻女人,穿着白色衣服,他在森林里遇到了她,她和劳拉有着惊人的相似之处; 狡猾的弗斯科伯爵,他希望为贵族珀西瓦尔 · 格莱德爵士获得一份遗产,他计划让劳拉嫁给他; 费尔利先生,一个不能忍受任何人发出一点点声音的忧郁症患者;。艺术家还发现自己吸引到玛丽昂 Halcomb,一个远亲劳拉,伯爵也有计划。

