Five friends embark on an epic road trip, but when one friend disappears at a rest stop, their search brings them face to face with a violent biker gang[ZiYuantun.Com]. After a narrow escape from death, their nightmare goes from bad to spine-chilling when they find themselves being stalked in an abandoned town. Written by 译文(2): 五个朋友开始了一次史诗般的公路旅行,但是当一个朋友在休息站消失时,他们的搜寻使他们与一个暴力的摩托车帮派面对{资源屯}。在死里逃生之后,当他们发现自己被跟踪在一个废弃的小镇上时,他们的噩梦从糟糕变成了令人毛骨悚然。编剧