A Naval officer waits each day for the orders that could send his ship and crew to war-torn Congo in this grim drama. One man gets drunk each day before deciding to settle down, and another man can'[ZiYuantun.Com]t bear having to say goodbye to his wife each day as they wait for the official word to ship out. 译文(2): 一名海军军官每天都在等待命令,这个命令可能会把他的船和船员送到饱受战争蹂躏的刚{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一个男人每天在决定安定下来之前都会喝醉,而另一个男人则无法忍受每天都要和他的妻子道别,因为他们要等待官方的命令才能出发。