In a small Catholic boarding school an unspeakable act has been committed. When High School student, Luther Scott, confesses to Father Michael Kelly, Kelly is bound silent to the particulars of a grisly murder. Now, framed guilty by the desperate teen, Kelly must decide to keep his silence or throw away everything the priesthood holds sacred. 译文(2): 在一所小型天主教寄宿学校发生了一起令人发指的事{资源屯}。当高中生卢瑟 · 斯科特向神父迈克尔 · 凯利忏悔时,凯利对一起可怕的谋杀案的细节保持沉默。现在,被这个绝望的青少年诬陷有罪的凯利必须决定保持【ZiYuanTun.Com】沉默或者抛弃神职人员神圣不可侵犯的一切。