Shark encounters off the coast of California are skyrocketing. Now, a team of researchers is on a mission to investigate a newly discovered white shark hot spot close to popular beaches and determine how many great whites are out there. Their expedition will bring them face-to-face with some of the biggest sharks on the planet. 译文(【ZiYuanTun.Com】2): 在加利福尼亚海岸遭遇鲨鱼数量激{资源屯}。现在,一个研究小组正在进行一项任务,调查一个新发现的大白鲨热点附近流行的海滩,并确定有多少大白鲨在那里。他们的探险将使他们与地球上一些最大的鲨鱼面对面。