



    • 主演: 多瓦勒·格利克曼Dror


    'Laces' tells the story of a complicated relationship between an aging father and his special-needs son, whom he abandoned while he was still a young boy. Reuben's (60) kidney's are failing and his son Gadi (35), wants to donate one of his own kidney's to help save his father's life. However, the transplant committee objects to the procedure claiming that Rueben, acting as Gadi's sole legal guardian, does not have the right to authorize such an invasive procedure. Gadi, who recently lost his mother, is afraid of losing his father as well. He feels he finally has the chance to do something meaningful; to become a man and stand on his own. He's furious with the committee's decision and sets out to fight for his right to save his father's life. Through the film's portrayal of a relationship full of love, rejection and co-dependency, it manages to shed some light and question the importance of human life, human connection and if life is even possible without it either one of them.   译文(2): 《鞋带》讲述了一位年迈的父亲和他那有特殊需要的儿子之间复杂的关系,他在儿子还是个小男孩的时候就抛弃了这个儿{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。鲁本(60岁)的肾脏正在衰竭,他的儿子加迪(35岁)希望捐献一个自己的肾脏,以帮助挽救他父亲的生命。然而,移植委员会反对这一程序,声称作为 Gadi 的唯一法定监护人的 Rueben 没有权利批准这种侵入性的程序。最近刚刚失去母亲的加迪也害怕失去父亲。他觉得自己终于有机会做一些有意义的事情,成为一个男子汉,独立自主。他对委员会的决定感到愤怒,并开始为自己挽救父亲生命的权利[ZiYuantun.Com]而斗争。通过电影对一段充满爱、拒绝和相互依赖的关系的描绘,它成功地揭示了一些事实,并质疑了人类生命的重要性、人与人之间的联系,以及如果没有这两者中的任何一个,生命是否还有可能存在。

