



    • 主演: 未知


    A life-affirming documentary that celebrates the remarkable life of Ella Blumenthal. At her 98th birthday celebrations she opens up to close friends and family about her story of survival during the Holocaust, in a way she has never done before. Her recollections, depicted through dynamic 2D animation, include tales of three concentration camps, and of narrowly escaping death in a gas chamber. Along with uplifting stories, like Ella dissuading her niece from ending her life. The animation is juxtaposed with present day footage of Ella performing her weekly spiritual rituals, being active in the swimming pool and walking on the promenade in Cape Town. She is not your average grandmother, her vivacious personality and her positive outlook on life is truly inspiring. A universal message of resilience - as Ella is the epitome of the will to survive. This film could not be more relevant in a wor{Ziyuantun.Com}ld that still defines itself by what is other.   译文(2): 一部鼓舞人心的纪录片,纪念艾拉 · 布卢门撒尔非凡的一{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在她98岁生日的庆祝活动上,她以一种从未有过的方式向亲密的朋友和家人讲述了她在大屠杀中生存下来的故事。她的回忆,通过动态2D 动画描绘,包括三个集中营的故事,以及死里逃生在毒气室。还有一些振奋人心的故事比如艾拉劝阻她侄女结束自己的生命。这部动画与当今艾拉表演她每周的精神仪式、在游泳池中活跃和在开普敦散步的镜头并列。她不是一般的奶奶,她活泼的性格和积极的人生观真的很鼓舞人心。一个关于适应力的普遍信息——因为艾拉是生存意志的缩影。这部电影在一个仍然以其他事物来定义自己的世界里是再有意义不过的了。

