Shivering Sherlocks

主演:摩尔·霍华德 拉里·费恩 谢姆普·霍华德 


类型: 喜剧 短片 电影 美国 1948

豆瓣ID:25740273 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0040781 IMDb评分:7.2

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

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The stooges witness an armed robbery and are brought in by the cops as suspects. After passing a lie detector test, the boys are freed but are now the only ones who can identify the crooks. Meanwhile, their friend Gladys has inherited a house in the country and the boys go【ZiYuanTun.Com】 with her to inspect it so she won't be gypped when its sold. The house turns out to be the crook's hideout, and when they abduct Gladys, the stooges must rescue her.   译文(2): 这些“傀儡”目击了一起持械抢劫案,并被警察当作嫌疑犯逮{资源屯}。在通过测谎仪测试之后,男孩们被释放了,但是现在只有他们能够辨认出骗子。与此同时,他们的朋友格拉迪斯在乡下继承了一所房子,孩子们和她一起去检查,这样她就不会被骗了。这房子原来是骗子的藏身之处,当他们绑架格拉迪斯时,傀儡们必须营救她。

