After the Spill

After the Spill



    • 主演: 未知


    Five years after BP's Deepwater Horizon exploded and sank in April 2010, has life returned to normal along Louisiana's coastline? Or has it been changed forever? When the well exploded we were putting the finishing touches on SoLa, Louisiana Water Stories, which we'd begun filming in 2008. That film captured a way of life in SoLa pre-spill that many now believe will never return. Since the spill we have returned many times, with cameras, to interview fishermen, scientists, politicians, environmentalists, and oil-rig workers seeking answers as to how the coast of Louisiana has changed. What really happened to all that oil? What about the dispersant used to push it beneath the surface? How has the spill impacted local economies as well as human health and the health of both marine life and the Gulf itself? Has Louisiana's coastline been changed forever?   译文(2): 2010年4月,英国石油公司(BP)的深水地平线发生爆炸并沉没,五年后,路易斯安那州海岸线的生活恢复正常了吗?还是已经永远改变了?当油井爆炸时,我们正在对《索拉,路易斯安那州水故事》进行最后的润色,这部电影我们从2008年开始拍{资源屯}。那部电影捕捉到了泄漏前索拉的一种生活方式,许多人现在认为这种生活方式永远不会再次出现。自从石油泄漏以来,我们多次带着摄像机回来采访渔民、科学家、政治家、环保主义者和钻井工人,寻找路易斯安那州海岸是如何变化的答案。那些石油到底怎么了?那用来把它推到地下的分散剂呢?漏油事件对当地经济、人类健康以及海洋生物和海湾本身的健【ZiYuanTun.Com】康有何影响?路易斯安那州的海岸线已经永远改变了吗?

