Empire City

Empire City



    • 主演: 路易斯·奥琴克劳斯


    Guided by seasoned New Yorkers, political figures, and cultural connoisseurs, "Empire City" examines Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs in order to paint a portrait of the ever【ZiYuanTun.Com】-evolving metropolis. Appearing to be both adaptable and stubbornly stagnant, New York is a city of juxtapositions. As our narrator notes, "The city is too big, too diverse, and too complex for anyone to comprehend. New York is many cities interlaced with one another, each in constant independent motion." In "Empire City" we see proof of this dynamic through both footage and discussion of extreme wealth, economic success and increasingly expensive real estate versus the hardships faced by the city's minorities such as people of color, immigrants, and the lower class. Leaders and residents such as David Rockefeller, Edward Koch, Norman Mailer, Jane Jacobs, and Herman Badillo offer their insight into the best and worst of New York while tenderly noting the pride and loyalty it's inhabitants hold onto.   译文(2): 在经验丰富的纽约人、政治人物和文化鉴赏家的指导下,《帝国城》审视了曼哈顿及其周围的行政区,以描绘这个不断发展的大都市的形{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。纽约似乎既适应力强,又顽固地停滞不前,它是一个并列的城市。正如我们的解说员所说,“这座城市太大,太多样,太复杂,任何人都无法理解。纽约是许多相互交错的城市,每个城市都在不断地独立运动。”在《帝国城》中,我们看到了这种动态的证据,通过镜头和对极端财富、经济成功和日益昂贵的房地产的讨论,与城市中少数民族如有色人种、移民和下层阶级所面临的困境相比较。领导者和居民,比如大卫·洛克菲勒,爱德华 · 科赫,诺曼 · 梅勒,简 · 雅各布斯和赫尔曼 · 巴迪洛,提供了他们对纽约最好和最坏的洞察力,同时温柔地注意到居民们所坚持的骄傲和忠诚。

