
主演:拉尔·帕克·林肯 Michael 


类型: 剧情 科幻 惊悚 电影 美国 2020

豆瓣ID:35214919 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt5862242 IMDb评分:2.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:ExpulsionWEB-1080P下载 Expulsion免费下载 Expulsion 

时长:100 分钟

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Scott and Vincent are top recruits at the prestigious Cicero Market Technologies Corporation where they are tasked with the development and implementation of cutting edge technologies. The sole purpose of their work is to bring about medical, environmental and physics advancements. However, beaten by their own curiosity, the pair begin to sneak their work home with them. They push the boundaries of particle collision science to undiscovered levels stumbling upon a parallel universe complete with an alternate version of Scott. As their days and nights unfold they begin to discover that others seek their tech to advance their own agendas. Agendas that they intend to fulfill at any cost.   译文(2): 斯科特和文森特是著名的西塞罗市场技术公司的高级新员工,他们的任务是开发和实施尖端技{Ziyuantun.Com}{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们工作的唯一目的是促进医学、环境和物理学的进步。然而,他们被自己的好奇心打败了,两人开始偷偷把工作带回家。他们将粒子碰撞科学的边界推向了未知的水平,偶然发现了一个平行宇宙,这个平行宇宙有另一个版本的斯科特。随着他们日日夜夜的展开,他们开始发现其他人寻求他们的技术来推进他们自己的议程。他们打算不惜一切代价完成的议程。

