Safeguard: An Electoral College Story

Safeguard: An Electoral College Story



    • 主演: Steve


    "What if something you changed caused unintended consequences you never imagined?" Safeguard: An Electoral College Story asks that question about presidential elections. How does the system really work? And what would happen if we changed the rules? Alexander Hamilton and James Madison worked to create and defend the Electoral College system in the U.S. Constitution. The process is democratic-but it works in stages, and through the states. This design forces candidates to reach out across the country rather than focusing on just one region or group of population centers. And it keeps presidents from controlling elections-including their own reelections. Publisher and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, Princeton historian Allen Guelzo, and a host of experts explain why we really have the Electoral College, what it does, and what could happen if we got rid of it. The New York Times warned in 1977, "the political habits, traditions and expectations that have grown up around the Electoral College have served the nation well. If they are to be maintained, the College has to be preserved rather than lightly abandoned in favor of a vacuum." Is any of that still true today? Safeguard: An Electoral College Story avoids the partisan bickering to ask the big questions. Is democracy just "two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner," like some people say? Or can【ZiYuanTun.Com】 a democratic system be designed to protect minority rights? Does our Constitution strike the right balance? "The Constitution - must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard for our liberties." -Abraham Lincoln.   译文(2): “如果你改变的东西引起了你从未想过的意外后果怎么办?”保障: 一个选举团的故事提出了关于总统选举的问{资源屯}。这个系统到底是如何运作的?如果我们改变规则会发生什么?亚历山大·汉密尔顿和詹姆斯麦迪逊致力于在美国宪法中建立和捍卫选举人团制度。这个过程是民主的——但它是分阶段的,并且通过各州来实现。这种设计迫使候选人走遍全国,而不是只关注一个地区或一组人口中心。同时,这也阻止了总统控制选举——包括他们自己的连任。出版商,前总统候选人史蒂夫 · 福布斯,普林斯顿历史学家艾伦 · 盖尔佐,以及许多专家解释了为什么我们真的拥有选举人团,它的作用,以及如果我们摆脱它会发生什么。《纽约时报》在1977年警告说,“围绕选举团形成的政治习惯、传统和期望为国家提供了很好的服务。如果要保留它们,学院就必须得到保留,而不是为了真空而被轻易放弃。”这些话现在还有一句是真的吗?保护措施: 选举人团的故事避免了党派之争来提出重大问题。民主政体只是“两只狼和一只羊投票决定晚餐吃什么”吗,就像有些人说的那样?还是可以设计一个民主制度来保护少数群体的权利?我们的宪法是否达到了正确的平衡?“宪法——必须得到维护,因为它是我们自由的唯一保障。”亚伯拉罕 · 林肯。

