Would you confess to a cri【ZiYuanTun.Com】me you did not commit? Each year innumerable American suspects do, and experts say that trained interrogators can get anybody to confess to anything. Defense attorney Jane Fisher-Byrialsen is determined to put an end to interrogation techniques that all too often pressure innocent people into false confessions. 译文(2): 你会承认你没有犯下的罪行吗?每年都有无数的美国嫌疑犯这样做,专家说,训练有素的审讯人员可以让任何人承认任何事{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。辩护律师简 · 费舍尔-拜里亚尔森(Jane Fisher-Byrialsen)决心终结那些经常迫使无辜者做出虚假供述的审讯手段。