
主演:道格拉斯·范朋克 萨姆·德·格拉斯 Pomeroy Joseph 贝茜·洛芙 玛丽·奥尔登 安德烈·贝兰杰 弗雷德·伯恩 


类型: 爱情 西部 电影 美国 1916

豆瓣ID:30218171 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0006736 IMDb评分:6.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:好恶人1080P蓝光下载 好恶人免费下载 好恶人 

时长:50min 分钟

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A cowboy Robin Hood, "Passin' Through" steals money so he can give it to children born out of wedlock, because he believes that his own mot{Ziyuantun.Com}her was never married. Then Passin' Through finds out that his birth was a lawful one, but that Bud Frazer, who had once courted his mother, killed her new husband and then hounded her until she died. Passin' Through decides to go after Frazer, not only to avenge his parents, but also to rescue Amy, whom Frazer has kidnapped and whom Passin' Through loves. When he locates Frazer, Passin' Through finds himself outnumbered, but when a posse arrives to help him, he is finally able to kill Frazer and his henchmen, and then goes riding off with his sweetheart   译文(2): 一个牛仔罗宾汉,“路过”偷钱,所以他可以把它给非婚生子女,因为他相信他自己的母亲从来没有结{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。然后路过发现他的出生是合法的但是巴德 · 弗雷泽,曾经追求过他的母亲杀了她的新丈夫然后一直纠缠她直到她死去。路过的人决定去找弗雷泽,不仅为他的父母报仇,还要救出艾米,弗雷泽绑架了她,路过的人爱她。当他找到弗雷泽时,路过发现自己寡不敌众,但当一队人赶来帮助他时,他终于能够杀死弗雷泽和他的追随者,然后和他的心上人一起骑马离开

