Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile

Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile



    • 主演: 未知


    The exiled Austro-German musician and composer Artur Schnabel was a giant of his ti【ZiYuanTun.Com】me, but in Germany today he is nearly forgotten. Pianist and Schnabel devotee Markus Pawlik (in collaboration with baritone Dietrich Henschel and the Szymanowski String Quartet) brings Artur Schnabel's greatest compositions back to Berlin with a filmed commemorative concert. Along the way, Pawlik visits the places, landscapes, and history that shaped Schnabel's life and music. "Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile" rediscovers an essential artist displaced by the catastrophe of the two World Wars and the Holocaust and inspired by the possibilities of modernism.   译文(2): 被流放的奥地利-德国音乐家和作曲家阿图尔 · 施纳贝尔是他那个时代的巨人,但在今天的德国,他几乎被遗忘{资源屯}。钢琴家及施纳贝尔的信徒马库斯 · 鲍利克(与男中音迪特里希 · 亨舍尔及舍曼诺夫斯基弦乐四重奏合作)将阿图尔 · 施纳贝尔最伟大的作品带回柏林,并拍摄了一场纪念音乐会。一路上,波利克参观了塑造施纳贝尔生活和音乐的地方、风景和历史。《阿图尔 · 施纳贝尔: 没有流亡之地》重新发现了一位因两次世界大战和大屠杀的灾难而流离失所的重要艺术家,并受到现代主义可能性的启发。

