The Wereth Eleven retraces the steps eleven black GI's from the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion took when their unit was overrun by Germans at the start of the Battle of the Bulge. Their 10-mile trek from their battery position to Wereth, Belgium would be the last journey of their lives as a local resident turned them in to an SS scouting party. Subsequently a[ZiYuantun.Com]ll eleven were butchered and killed in one of the least understood, as well as unknown, war crimes of WWII 译文(3): Wereth Eleven追溯了第333野战炮兵营的11名黑人士兵在布尔格战役开始时被德军占领时所采取的步{资源屯}。他们从炮台到比利时韦雷斯的10英里路程将是他们生命中的最后一次旅程,因为当地居民将他们交给了一个党卫军侦察队。随后,所有11人都被屠杀和杀害,这是第二次世界大战中最不为人所知、也是最不为人知的战争罪行之一