Reeling from the death of her famous father, filmmaker Samantha Trassler (Diane Marshall-Green) falls down the rabbit hole of PK (Chad Michael Murray), a charismatic homeless man who becomes the subject of her latest documentary. She is at loose ends until P.K. g{Ziyuantun.Com}ives her renewed purpose. Their affair, however, threatens to tear apart the fabric of both of their lives. 译文(2): 电影制作人萨曼莎 · 特拉斯勒(黛安 · 马歇尔-格林饰)从她著名父亲的死亡中惊魂未定,跌入了“查德·麦可·莫瑞”的兔子洞,一个魅力非凡的无家可归的男人成为了她最新纪录片的主{资源屯}。在 P.K. 给她新的目标之前,她一直处于无所事事的状态。然而,他们的婚外情可能会撕裂他们两人的生活。