Insightful and often hilarious, the latest from documentary filmmaker Alan Zweig surveys the hi[ZiYuantun.Com]story of Jewish comedy, from the early days of Borsht belt to the present, ultimately exploring not just ethnicity in the entertainment industry, but also the entire unruly question of what it means to be Jewish. 译文(2): 纪录片导演艾伦 · 茨威格(Alan Zweig)的最新作品颇有见地,而且常常很搞{资源屯}。该作品回顾了犹太喜剧的历史,从早期的 Borsht Belt 到现在,最终探索的不仅是娱乐业中的种族问题,还有犹太人意味着什么这个难以驾驭的问题。