Girl Power

Girl Power




    1997. Tony Blair is on the road to power, Britpop is at its height and spin is the order of the day. Into the dizzy world of glamour and false promises comes Cass, a recent graduate, keen to get to the heart of the excitement. Innocent Publishing appears perfect - after all, they're publishing an official book on Blur AND Tony Blair's autobiography. However, Cass is soon to discover that behind cool Britannia there is a much darker place that will take her to the very edge of who she thinks she is.   译文(2): 一九九七{资源屯}。托尼?布莱尔(TonyBlair)正走在【ZiYuanTun.Com】权力之路上,英国流行音乐正处于鼎盛时期,旋转是当今的主流。进入迷人的世界和虚假的承诺来卡斯,一个新的毕业生,热衷于到达兴奋的心脏。Innocent 出版社看起来很完美——毕竟,他们正在出版一本关于 Blur 和 Tony Blair 自传的官方书籍。然而,卡斯很快就会发现,在凉爽的大不列颠背后,有一个更加黑暗的地方,将她带到她认为她是谁的边缘。

