Devil's Playground is a 2002 documentary film by Lucy Walker about the alleged Amish rite of passage called Rumspringa. The film follows Amish teenagers who enter the "English World" to decide whether they will be baptised as adults in the Amish community. They deal with problems in the outside world, which the Amish refer to as "the Devil's Playground," that do not exist in their home communities, including alcohol and drugs. 译文(2): 《魔鬼游乐场》是露西 · 沃克2002年拍摄的一部纪录片,讲述了所谓的阿米什人的成人仪式“游历{资源屯}。影片讲述了进入“英语世界”的阿米什青少年决定是否在阿米什社区接受成年人洗礼的故事。他们处理外部世界的问题,阿米什人称之为“魔鬼的游乐场”,这些问题在他们的家乡社区是不存在的,包括酒精和毒【ZiYuanTun.Com】品。