The Young Turks, one of the most popular online news shows in the world, has amassed a YouTube network consisting of millions of subscribers and billions of views. But that wasn't always the case. MAD AS HELL documents the tumultuous, at times hilarious and altogether astonishing trajectory of Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks' main host and founder, as he traverses from unknown Public Access TV host to internet sensation by way of YouTube. When he ventures into national television by landing the 6 PM time slot on MSNBC, Cenk's uncensored brand of journalism is compromised as he becomes a thorn in the side of traditional news media; his unwavering dedication to speaking the truth puts him at the very nexus of the battle between new and old media, and makes MAD AS HELL not only entertaining, but incredibly timely as well. 译文(2): 世界上最受欢迎的在线新闻节目之一《年轻的土耳其人》(The Young Turks)已经积累了一个由数百万订户和数十亿观众组成的 YouTube 网{资源屯}。但事实并非总是如此。《地狱般的疯狂》记录了年轻土耳其人的主要主持人和创始人岑克 · 维吾尔(Cenk Uygur)通过 YouTube 从一个不知名的电视节目主持人转变为网络红人的动荡、时而滑稽、总体上令人震惊的人生轨迹。当他冒险进入国家电视台,在 MSNBC 的下午6点时段,岑克的未经审查的新闻品牌是妥协的,因为他成为传统新闻媒体的眼中钉; 他坚定不移地致力于说出真相,使他在新老媒体之间的战斗的关键,使疯狂作为地狱不仅娱乐,而且令人难【ZiYuanTun.Com】以置信的及时性。