




    The C.I.A. discovers a Russian plot to assassinate five defectives on the Christmas Day, but they do not know who they are. The defective Alex Holbeck is recruited in Paris by the C.I.A. and sent to East Berlin to steal the scrambler of the Enigma, the machine used by Soviet intelligence for communication. On arrival, Holbeck discovers that the K.G.B. and the East German government know that he has arrived and his conta[ZiYuantun.Com]cts are arrested. Holbeck meets his former lover, lawyer Karen Reinhardt, and she gives him a safe house. Russian Agent Dimitri Vasilikov and East German Agent Kurt Limmer try to find Holbeck's whereabouts using different methods, while Karen seduces Dimitri to get the information about the location of the soldiers that Holbeck needs. However, Holbeck does not know that the C.I.A. has the scrambler, and he is only the bait to convince the Russians that they do not have it.   译文(2): 中情局发现了俄罗斯人在圣诞节暗杀五名叛逃者的阴谋,但他们不知道他们是{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。有缺陷的亚历克斯 · 霍尔贝克在巴黎被中情局招募并被派往东柏林窃取英格玛的扰频器苏联情报机构用于通讯的机器。抵达后,霍尔贝克发现克格勃和东德政府知道他已经抵达,并逮捕了他的联系人。霍尔贝克遇到了他的前情人,律师凯伦莱因哈特,她给了他一个安全的房子。俄罗斯特工 Dimitri Vasilikov 和东德特工 Kurt Limmer 尝试用不同的方法找到 Holbeck 的下落,而 Karen 引诱 Dimitri 得到 Holbeck 需要的士兵的位置信息。然而,霍尔贝克并不知道中情局有干扰器,他只是诱饵,让俄罗斯人相信他们没有干扰器。

