
主演:Lewis 西戈·鲁曼 Harry 丹·西摩 Arthur Philip 保罗·哈维 David Frederick M 


类型: 喜剧 电影 美国 1946

豆瓣ID:1784410 豆瓣评分:7.1

IMDb链接: tt0038777 IMDb评分:6.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:卡萨布兰卡之夜1080P蓝光下载 卡萨布兰卡之夜免费下载 卡萨布兰卡之夜 

时长:85 分钟

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In post-war Casablanca, Ronald Kornblow is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all wound up being murdered. French soldier Pierre suspects the involvement of ex-Nazis, specifically Count Pfefferman (in reality, the notorious Heinrich Stubel). Pierre is accused of collaborating with the enemy and attempts to clear his name with the help of his girlfriend Annette and cagey buddy Corbaccio. They enlist th[ZiYuantun.Com]e aid of Pfefferman's beleaguered mute valet, Rusty, and discover a hoard of war booty the Nazis have stashed in the hotel.   译文(2): 在战后的《卡萨布兰卡》中,罗纳德 · 科恩布洛受雇经营一家酒店,而这家酒店的前任经理最后都被谋杀{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。法国士兵皮埃尔怀疑与前纳粹分子有关,特别是普弗曼伯爵(实际上是臭名昭著的海因里希 · 斯图贝尔)。皮埃尔被指控与敌人勾结,并试图在他的女朋友安妮特和狡猾的伙伴科尔巴乔的帮助下洗清自己的罪名。他们得到了普弗曼身陷困境的哑巴贴身男仆拉什蒂的帮助,发现了纳粹在酒店里藏起来的一大堆战利品。

