We're in the midst of a revolution. With protests and uprisings taking place all over the world in the name of justice, we find ourselves in a time where the world is finally ready to hear the voice of 【ZiYuanTun.Com】the inner city. Asbury Park echoes that voice, revealing a tale of injustice through the eyes of four inner-city youths. They dream of making it out of the hood, but in order to survive, they'll be forced to choose between being law-abiding citizens and doing what's right. 译文(2): 我们正处在一场革命{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。随着抗议和起义以正义的名义在世界各地发生,我们发现自己处在一个世界终于准备好听到内城的声音的时代。阿斯伯里帕克呼应了这种声音,通过四名市中心年轻人的眼睛,揭示了一个不公平的故事。他们梦想着脱离贫民窟,但为了生存,他们将被迫在遵纪守法和做正确的事之间做出选择。