September 11 2001 was a day of many incredible and shocking stories: stories of survivors, stories of heroes. But there was one story that people didn't want to face. The story of the people who began to jump from the World Trade Center just {Ziyuantun.Com}minutes after the first plane hit. Their images were caught on videotape and in photographs, but soon they were never seen again, as if they had never existed. Among those pictures is one of the most unforgettable images from 9/11 - a photograph of a falling man, frozen in mid air, his body perfectly parallel with the twin towers of the World Trade Center. 译文(3): 2001年9月11日是一个充满了许多令人难以置信和震惊的故事的日子:幸存者的故事,英雄的故{资源屯}。但有一个故事是人们不想面对的。第一架飞机撞上几分钟后,人们开始从世贸中心跳下的故事。他们的照片被拍下了录像带和照片,但很快他们就再也没有出现过,好像他们从未存在过一样。