BROKEN VOWS: Stories of Separation is an award winning documentary that was produced over a four year period. Initially starting as a team of one Sunnie McFadden-Curtis built a small but dedicated team of creatives around her.This documentary takes you into the lives of several women, to learn from their personal stories, hear tales from those caught in the crossfire of marriage breakdown and separation, and find solace in the notion that those affected ca{Ziyuantun.Com}n walk through the darkness and into the light. 译文(2): 破碎的誓言: 《离别的故事》是一部获奖纪录片,制作历时四{资源屯}。最初,作为一个团队的一个 Sunnie McFadden-Curtis 建立了一个小但专注的创意团队在她周围。这部纪录片带你走进几个女人的生活,从她们的个人故事中学习,从那些陷入婚姻破裂和分离的交火中的人们那里听到故事,并在那些受影响的人能够走出黑暗走向光明的观念中找到慰藉。