The film opens at the 2018 March For Our Lives in Los Angeles, where thousands of demonstrators with powerful signs converged in a turning point in the long fight to curb gun violence in America. How long? We see footage of 20 years prior at the Million Mom March in Washington, D.C., where speakers and marchers echo many of the same points. The film explores why things don't change, following the NRA's influence in politics. Even after Sandy Hook, the NRA watered down and then derailed a modest background checks bill, using misinformation that the bill would create a registry. This information is spread us{Ziyuantun.Com}ing the NRA's own database of gun owners which has added millions of names without permission. The NRA's political influence is explored through their membership numbers claims, use of coordinating vendors with Republican candidates, and their direct efforts to elect Donald Trump. At the same time, the amount of election interference by Russia is considerable, ranging from hacking election vendors to U.S. power plants, and a review of Soviet history shows the troubling efforts to undermine American democracy. Similarly, Republicans like Senator Joseph McCarthy were vehemently anti-Russia, underscoring the change of attitude toward Russia in recent years. The film takes a deep dive into the story of Maria Butina and Aleksandr Torshin, a pair of Russian nationals who became NRA members in a brazen effort to influence American politicians. Along the way, the NRA committed numerous financial violations and broke campaign finance laws, which would typically result in a loss of tax-exempt status, as the film's last part details. 译文(3): 这部电影在2018年洛杉矶“为我们的生命游行”上开幕,数千名举着强有力标志的示威者聚集在一起,成为美国遏制枪支暴力长期斗争的转折{资源屯}。多长时间我们看到了20年前在华盛顿特区举行的“百万母亲游行”的录像,在那里,演讲者和游行者表达了许多相同的观点。这部电影探讨了NRA在政治上的影响力,为什么事情没有改变。即使在Sandy Hook之后,NRA也淡化了一项适度的背景调查法案,然后利用该法案将创建一个登记处的错误信息破坏了该法案。这些信息是通过NRA自己的枪支拥有者数据库传播的,该数据库在未经许可的情况下添加了数百万个名字。NRA的政治影响力是通过他们声称的会员人数、与共和党候选人协调供应商的使用以及他们选举唐纳德·特朗普的直接努力来探索的。与此同时,俄罗斯对选举的干预程度相当大,从黑客攻击选举供应商到美国发电厂,对苏联历史的回顾表明,破坏美国民主的努力令人不安。同样,参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡等共和党人也强烈反对俄罗斯,突显了近年来对俄罗斯态度的变化。这部电影深入探讨了Maria Butina和Aleksandr Torshin的故事,这对俄罗斯公民成为NRA成员,厚颜无耻地试图影响美国政客。在这一过程中,NRA犯下了许多财务违规行为,并违反了竞选财务法,这通常会导致失去免税地位,正如电影最后一部分所详述的那样。