The Only

The Only



    • 主演: 未知


    The documentary explores the inspirational glory and deeply dark corners of a Hall of Fame goalkeeper who stood alone on the field as the only Black starter and the only openly gay player. While celebrating the historic legacy of Scurry's career, including two Olympic gold medals and a penalty save to help the U.S. win the 1999 Women's World Cup, the film also tells the story of how she overcame racism and homophobia at the time of her greatest triumphs before later finding herself on 【ZiYuanTun.Com】the edge of suicide following a career-ending concussion.   译文(3): 这部纪录片探讨了一位名人堂门将鼓舞人心的荣耀和深深的黑暗角落,他作为唯一的黑人首发球员和唯一公开的同性恋球员独自站在球场{资源屯}。在庆祝Scurry职业生涯的历史性遗产的同时,包括两枚奥运会金牌和一次帮助美国赢得1999年女子世界杯的点球扑救,这部电影还告诉了她如何在取得最大胜利的时候克服种族主义和恐同心理,后来发现自己在一次以职业结束的脑震荡后濒临自杀边缘。

